In the Disney animated classic Beauty and the Beast 1991, Belle is the main character. She lives in France with the town inventor (Maurice) and her father. Belle loves him very much though he can be eccentric. She offers Beast to release her father in exchange; later she found herself in love with him. Disney Belle is a headstrong girl always seen in reading books. Princess Belle rejects the arrogant advice of Gatson who tries to woo her. The title song was sung by Mrs. Potts and Belle wore this dress during her dance to the song. Collect all the accessories of the Ballgown Belle costume from the 1991 Beauty and the Beast animated film.

Belle Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin this DIY guide to the Beauty and the Beast costume with the Belle wig. The Brown curly wig is 25 inches long and perfect for women’s Halloween cosplay.

Yellow Hair Ribbon: Amazon

Belle from Beauty and the Beast 1991 film ties her beautiful hair with the yellow ribbon. Therefore, it is a must-buy item for Belle cosplay.

Yellow Stud Earrings: Amazon

In Disney Beauty and the Beast, Belle’s musical world is different from the other characters in Disney world. Besides Beauty and the Beast cosplay, you can gift this item on birthdays, valentines day, anniversaries, etc.

Yellow Ballgown Belle costume with Gloves: Amazon

In Beauty and the Beast 2017, this character was portrayed by Emma Watson Belle. However, the theme of the story remains the same, that is why you need this Belle costume for Halloween cosplay.

Hoop Skirt Petticoat: Amazon

You have two choices for Belle’s cosplay costume either go with the yellow ballgown in its ordinary style. Or, add this hoop skirt under the ballgown for Beauty the beast costume. However, it is not necessary to collect this item; it gives you an identical look to the character.

Yellow Heels: Amazon

After having a bridal wedding party pump in your bucket you are ready for the Belle cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.