In the animated series South Park, Red McArthur (voiced by Mona Marshall) is one of the popular girls in South Park Elementary. Jenny, Annie, Nelly, Lola, Nichole, Bebe, Heidi, and Wendy are friends with Red. Due to her red hair which become her signature nicknamed RED. It is quite difficult to arrange a dark navy jacket with a purple collar she wore as a South Park costume. However, you can create an identical look with the purple scarf and dark blue jacket. She was previously known as Bertha and Rebecca. Collect all the accessories of the Red McArthur costume from South Park for Halloween and cosplay.
Red Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin this DIY guide with a Red McArthur wig. Make sure you buy a red for South Park cosplay. The wig is perfect for Halloween, concerts, weddings, parties, dating, etc.
Purple Neck Scarf: Amazon
There are so many characters from the South Park cast that you like to cosplay. Though the task is difficult for some characters; we tried the possible arrangement. Check out more colors on the product page of the Amazon store.
Navy Blue Snap Front Jacket: Amazon
South park fanart reveals many secrets from the series. Like we said above use the above scarf to make a purple collar along with the blue jacket.
Navy Blue Pants: Amazon
Collect wrinkle-free dress pants in navy blue for the red cosplay. It has low maintenance, a flexible waistband, and stretch fabric offers comfortable stretch.
Purple Mittens: Amazon
These mittens are super soft and warm with a plush cuff. You find a multi-color option on the product page of the South Park online store.
Black Shoes: Amazon
After having black shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Red McArthur cosplay. Don’t forget to visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.