In the anime/manga Hunter x Hunter, Chrollo (voiced in Japanese by Mamoru Miyano and in English by Robbie Daymond); is the founder and current leader of the Phantom Troupe. We choose an outfit for this article that is the disguise; he wears in the York New arc when he’s infiltrating to steal Neon Nostrade’s nen ability. Chrollo has soft grey eyes, and he usually wears his hair slicked back, for this outfit he wears it loose and down, with a greenish-grey ribbon covering the cross tattoo he has on his forehead. He wears the bauble earrings that he usually has on for this, but the rest of it is a pretty standard suit jacket and pants over a white shirt, black tie, and black oxfords finishing off the look. Collect all the accessories of the Chrollo Lucilfer costume York New Disguise from Hunter x Hunter for Halloween and cosplay.
Chrollo Lucilfer Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Hunter x Hunter costume with the Chrollo Lucilfer wig; perfect for daily use, Halloween, theme parties, weddings, etc.
Devil Grey Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
You need grey contacts for anime hunter; however if you feel uncomfortable with the contact cosplay without it.
Two Piece Button Up Black Suit Jacket And Pants: Amazon
Chrollo Lucilfer York New Disguise from Hunter x Hunter manga wore a black suit as the mandatory accessory. However, the necktie is included in the package; you must collect the black tie from the link below.
Long Sleeve Button-Down Shirt White: Amazon
A white shirt is the most common attire in our wardrobe; however, if you don’t have one click the link and grab the cotton shirt for anime cosplay.
Solid Black Tie: Amazon
In most countries, Lawyer outfits are black color with a tie; it is handmade and available in multiple colors on the product page Manga store.
Chrollo Lucilfer Earrings: Amazon
A superhuman has his powers sometimes in ornaments; with these earrings Hunter x Hunter cosplay is incomplete. It is made of alloy and perfect gift for the anime lover.
Eyeliner Pencil Deep Purple: Amazon
During your watch from the beginning till Hunter x Hunter season 7. A special mark is placed on the forehead of Lucilfer. Smartly draw the identical mark on your forehead along with Lucilfer’s attire.
Sage Green Ribbon: Amazon
When drawing the mark cover it with the sage green ribbon. Satin ribbon is 1 inch wide and preferable for gift wrapping and crafting.
Black Patent Leather Lace-Up Oxfords: Amazon
After having leather boots in your bucket you are ready for Chrollo Lucilfer cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Cartoons & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.