In the video game franchise Super Mario Bros; Petey Piranha (voiced by Toru Minegishi in his original appearance) is a boss, which appears originally in Super Mario Sunshine. Petey is a carnivorous plant who sets apart from the other piranha plants in the games by his additional abilities and sheer size. He is a frequent nemesis of Mario and Luigi. Initially, you have a green full-coverage bodysuit alongside don a pair of polka-dot briefs and a piranha plant mask; additionally, consider adding a floral headband to your costume to finish the look. Collect all the accessories of the Petey Piranha costume from Super Mario for Halloween and cosplay.
Green Hooded Bodysuit: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Super Mario costume with the Piranha Petey green suit; it covers your entire body to show the real look of the Super Bario character. Further, perfect for designing your costumes for Halloween parties.
Piranha Plant Costume Hat: Amazon
Petey Piranha Mario Kart will help to collect this item for this act; made with polyester velour & broadcloth fabrics alongside polyurethane foam. Furthermore, the broadcloth lining has a hook & loop fastener size-adjustment band and viewport through the character’s mouth.
Sunflower Headband: Amazon
Petey Piranha Super Mario Sunshine required a sunflower headband to have an identical look; in addition, two different sizes are available on the product page of the Amazon store.
Red and White Polka Dot Briefs: Amazon
The low-waist swimming shorts with elastic waistband is an accurate item for Petey Piranha from Super Mario cosplay. Therefore, once you have collected all the accessories in the bucket you are ready for Petey Piranha cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.