In the One-Punch Man manga/anime series; Garou (voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa and Greg Chun) is a martial arts prodigy. He dubs himself the “Hero Hunter“; though as a villain he spends much of his time. He is commonly called Human Monster as he is fascinated with monsters. Garou has stark silver hair that he wears styled up into two points. He wears a tight black long-sleeved shirt, white trousers, and black shoes. Replaced the sash on a pair of martial arts pants with a yellow one to complete the look. Collect all the accessories of the Garou costume from One-Punch Man for Halloween and cosplay.

Grey Garou Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the One-Punch Man costume with the Garou wig; made with heat-resistant synthetic fiber and perfect for costume parties, fun, roleplay, etc.

Black Mock Turtle Compress Shirt: Amazon

To become an OPM manga you require a black shirt; in addition, this gym shirt designed for men adopts stretchy fabric and is comfy with very little weight.

White Martial Arts Pants: Amazon

Cosmic Garou always wears martial arts pants alongside other accessories; additionally, several other styles and designs are available on the product page of the Amazon store.

Yellow Sash: Amazon

Yellow sash is mandatory for the Garou One-Punch Man cosplay; an almost 78 inches wedding bridal sash is perfect for this act. Further, multiple colors of the thin belt are displayed on the product page of the anime store.

Black Tai Chi Shoes: Amazon

After having black shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Garou cosplay at Halloween. Further, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide to the Garou One-Punch Man outfit with your friends and family on social media. Moreover, visit our collection of Cartoons and Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.