In the Nickelodeon cartoon Rusty Rivets, Rusty (voiced by Kyle Breitkopf) is the titular main character. A young inventor and mechanic who creates his own contraptions from salvaged parts. Rusty had dark blue-black hair, his outfit consisted of blue pants and a lightning bolt on an orange shirt. He also wears grey gloves and grey and teal sneakers with orange laces. Alongside all these accessories he wears a utility belt and goggles. To create an identical bolt emblem you can use a black fabric marker on the front. Collect all the accessories of the Rusty Rivets costume for Halloween and cosplay.

Blue-Black Short Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Rusty Rivet costume with the Rusty Rivets wig; made with heat-resistant fiber and more anime wigs in different colors and styles are available on the linked page.

Orange Lens Goggles: Amazon

Besides Tigerbot you have to collect orange goggles for this act; contain smoke lenses with yellow, anti-fog coating, and a carrying pouch is also included in the package.

Orange Shirt with Black and White Stripes: Amazon

To be precise Rusty the Riveter, you must have an identical orange shirt that the character wore during his act; the sleeves contain contrasting color stripes as well.

Black Fabric Markers: Amazon

A perfect Rusty Rivets game can be played when to recreate the accurate bold design on the orange shirt; in addition, dual-tip fabric pens are perfect for painting on fabrics, textiles, canvas, or any cloth material.

Blue Pants: Amazon

Blue pants are mandatory for the Rusty cosplay; furthermore, numerous other colors are available on the product page of the Amazon store.

Grey Tool Belt: Amazon
Rusty Rivets Frankie Fritz is another famous character from the series; however, a tool belt is only needed alongside Rusty Rivets’ outfit. 
Grey and Teal Work Gloves: Amazon

Nickelodeon Rusty Rivets wears teal and grey gloves during his appearances; therefore, you must have an identical one for this act.

Grey Shoes with Teal and Orange Accents: Amazon

After having shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Nick Jr Rusty Rivets cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.

Orange Boot Laces: Amazon

For an extra finishing touch swap the dull laces of your shoes with orange laces; moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide on social media with your friends and family.