In the Kingdom Hearts franchise, Zexion (voiced in Japanese by Akira Ishida and in English by Vince Corazza) is part of the main group of antagonists. In Organization XIII, he is number Six and an expert in illusions in the battle. He is the part of Sora team and was mostly used only in outside combats. A book named Lexicon was the Zexion’s weapon. He has bright blue eyes and messy hair in a light greyish periwinkle which mostly covers the eye. Like the rest of the organization, he wears an identical cloak, black pants, black gloves, and a pair of black boots. Collect all the accessories of the Zexion costume from Kingdom Hearts.

Zexion Wig: Product Page

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Kingdom Hearts costume with the Zexion wig; made from premium modacrylic fiber, creating natural looks with its smooth and silky texture.

Organization XIII Cloak: Amazon

Kingdom Hearts apparel for Zexion is easy to collect in a short span of time; therefore, starting collecting the above-displayed cloak refers to the Organization XIII uniform.

Pu Faux Leather Motorcycle Biker Pants: Amazon

Biker pants are mandatory for the Zexion from Kingdom Hearts cosplay; in addition, it is perfect for nightclubs, parties, music festivals, etc.

Black Lined Gloves: Amazon

Instead of Keyblade, you must collect a pair of black gloves for this act; additionally, the gloves allow your fingers to work on all touchscreen devices and are available in more colors on the product page of the Amazon store.

Devil Blue Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso

Blue cosplay contacts are mandatory alongside the KH Zexion outfit; however, if you are uncomfortable with the lenses kindly cosplay without them.

Organization XIII Boots: Amazon

After having boots in your bucket you are ready for the Zexion cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.