In the animated series Harvey Girls Forever, Audrey Bertha (voiced by Stephanie Lemelin) is the main character. Dot and Lotta are her closest friends. She is a tomboy with a bit of a temper and a penchant for inventing. The Audrey outfit consists of a pink sweater with a green lightning bolt, teal pants that roll up to the cuff, and light blue sneakers. You may have two options for the Audrey sweater, either buy a plain pink one or find a sweater with a slightly darker, neckline, cuffs, and hem. Additionally, with the help of neon green fabric paint add a bolt to it. Collect all the accessories of the Audrey Bertha costume from Harvey Girls Forever! for Halloween and cosplay.

Pink Sweater: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Harvey Girls Forever costumes with the Audrey outfit. Further, this material provides ultimate comfort and warmth throughout the colder months.

Pink Contrast Hem Sweater: Amazon

Instead of buying the above-displayed sweater, you collect this one for Audrey Bertha from Harvey Girls Forever cosplay. Further, it is versatile and its color-blocked design allows for easy pairing of jeans, skirts, or trousers.

Neon Green Fabric Paint: Amazon

Use green fabric paint to make a bolt mark on your sweater, just make sure you give it enough time to dry before Audrey cosplay.

Audrey Bertha Teal Jeans: Amazon

You may collect teal blue jeans from the Amazon store for Audrey costume. Furthermore, it goes great with all tops from basic to fashionable T-shirts.

Light Blue High Top Sneakers: Amazon

After having sneakers in your bucket you are ready for the Audrey Bertha cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for Halloween and cosplay. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.