In the manga and anime series Edens Zero, Shiki Granbell (voiced by Takuma Terashima and Sean Chiplock) is the protagonist. He formerly lives with robots on planet Granbell. Shiki can manipulate gravity. Shaki has bandages on his face and has spiky black hairs. His attire contains a white shirt with burgundy striping on the front, green pants, a jacket with sleeves rolled up, and black boots. You can purchase a cosplay set or build your own with a bomber jacket, harem pants, and a white t-shirt embellished with burgundy paint. Collect all the accessories of the Shiki Granbell costume from Edens Zero for Halloween and cosplay.

Spiky Black Anime Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the Edens Zero costume DIY guide with the Shiki Granbell wig. Further, it is made with heat-resistant synthetic fiber and is perfect for anime cosplay.

Square White Bandages: Amazon

A square bandage is somehow required to have an identical look to Shiri Edens 0. However, make sure where you will cover this bondage on your face.

Burgundy Bomber Jacket: Amazon

It is mandatory to collect a burgundy jacket for Shiri Granbell from Edens Zero cosplay. Moreover, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors of bomber jackets.

Men’s White T-Shirt: Amazon 

To have a precise look at Edens Zero anime you must buy a white t-shirt. If you already have one in your wardrobe no need to cart this item.

Burgundy Textile Paint: Amazon

To recreate an identical style of the Shiki Granbell t-shirt, you have to put some effort into it. By using burgundy paint draw a similar design on the tee.

Green Harem Pants: Amazon

Besides the Edens Zero Funimation, you shall have green pants as well. Additionally, these pants feature 2 side pockets, offering both functionality and style.

Shiki Granbell Cosplay Set: Amazon

On the contrary, you may buy a complete set alongside a wig, boots, and bondage. Furthermore, the package includes a coat, shirt, trousers, belt, etc.

Black Boots: Amazon

After having boots in your bucket you are ready for the Shiki Granbell cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.