In the animated series Hilda, Trevor (voiced by Reece Pockney) is a boy who lives in Trolberg. He is sometimes unkind, and rude and stops at nothing to prove he saw a talking raven when his friends don’t believe him. He wears an orange scarf and an orange-striped hat, black pants, a purple-ish grey jacket, and grey boots. It is your own choice to select a sweatshirt or a jacket for your costume. Collect all the accessories of the Trevor costume from Hilda for Halloween and cosplay.
Orange Pom Pom Hat: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the animated series Hilda costume with the hat with ear flaps and pom details in shades of orange.
Orange, Yellow, and Red Striped Ear Flap Hat: Amazon
Now you have the option to select which hat is perfect along with the Trevor outfit. Both hats give a precise appearance and accuracy of the character.
Orange Fleece Scarf: Amazon
Besides cosplay Hilda, a scarf is required for Trevor’s attire. Further, it is soft, comfortable, and the perfect companion to warm your body in winter.
Indigo Sweatshirt: Amazon
It is mandatory to collect a sweatshirt for Trevor from Hilda cosplay. Furthermore, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors as well.
Grey Jacket: Amazon
A jacket must be cart for the upper layer of the Trevor Hilda outfit. Additionally, made of pleated corduroy fabric, durable, and lightweight.
Black Skinny Pants: Amazon
A pair of skinny black pants will give you an identical appearance to Hilda Trevor. In addition, a lot more colors are displayed on the linked page.
Grey Boots: Amazon
After having boots in your bucket you are ready for the Trevor cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.