In the graphic novel and animated series Hilda, Johanna (voiced by Daisy Haggard) is the main character. At the heart of the story, the titular blue-haired girl, Hilda is her daughter. To consider that Hilda can have a more normal childhood, Johanna moves along with her daughter to Trolberg from the wilderness. She often wears a burgundy sweater, brown pants, and white sneakers, and has short brown hair. Collect all the accessories of the Johanna costume from Hilda Netflix for Halloween and cosplay.
Brown Shoulder Length Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Netflix Hilda costume with the Johanna wig. Further, it is long-lasting, durable, and made with heat-resistant synthetic fiber which also gives a natural look as well. A wig cape is included in the package. Besides Halloween, it is right to wear to parties, concerts, weddings, etc.
Burgundy Mock Turtleneck Sweater: Amazon
It is mandatory to collect a turtleneck sweater for Johanna from Hilda cosplay. Additionally, a modern, classic layering piece, perfect for both a polished and casual look. Furthermore, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors besides Johanna Hilda on Netflix.
Brown Straight Leg Pants: Amazon
A pair of brown pants is also required for the Hilda Johanna outfit. In addition, it goes great with your favorite top, or blouse, ideal for work, travel, office, etc. You may also be very comfortable and relaxed in the jeans both casually or wear for cosplay.
White Sneakers: Amazon
After having sneakers in your bucket you are ready for Johanna cosplay at Halloween. Many colors are shown on the displayed page. Further, visit our collection of Cartoons & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.