In the Cartoon Network series, Evil Con Carne, Major Dr. Ghastly (Grey DeLisle’s voice) is the main protagonist. She works for Hector Con Carne as a female scientist. The show followed Major Dr. Ghastly’s husband; originally paired with The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. Despite, reducing the stomach and brain attached to a large bear, he tried to conquer the world. General Skarr is shorter than Ghastly, who worked with Hector. A burgundy sleeveless suit is required to begin her costume. She also wears a black belt, thigh-high boots, and black gloves. Additionally, collect a red wig, red lipstick, and a pair of goggles as well. Collect all the accessories of Major Dr. Ghastly costume from Evil Con Carne for Halloween and cosplay.
Red Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Evil Con Carne costume with the Dr. Ghastly wig. Nevertheless, it is perfect for Halloween, concerts, theme parties, weddings, dating, etc.
Burgundy Sleeveless Bodysuit: Amazon
It is mandatory to collect a bodysuit for Major Dr. Ghastly for Evil Con Carne cosplay. Visit the product page of the Amazon store, particularly other displayed colors.
Black Opera Gloves: Amazon
Alongside the bodysuit, you must collect a pair of gloves for Evil Con Carne Major Dr. Ghastly outfit. Besides Ghastly, the gloves are perfect for the Great Gatsby and 20’s fashion.
Black Cinch Belt: Amazon
A wide belt is a must-buying accessory for the Major Dr. Ghastly Evil Con Carne outfit. Furthermore, it is comfortable and can well shape your waist without pinching you.
Steampunk Goggles: Amazon
History reveals that every villain has their ways of dealing with the enemies; though, in this DIY we have no concerns about cunning behavior. Look however always matter, therefore, you have to cart goggles for this act.
Red Lipstick: Amazon
Dr. Ghastly’s makeup has equal importance to attire; in addition, you have to collect only red lipstick to have an identical appearance to the character.
Black Thigh High Boots: Amazon
After having thigh-high boots in your bucket you are ready for the Major Dr. Ghastly cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of Cartoons & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.