In the anime/manga series My Hero Academia, Shoto (voiced in Japanese by Yūki Kaji and in English by David Matranga) is one of the main characters. With Izuku Midoriya in class 1-A, he is a student at UA. Under Shoto’s father, the pro-hero Endeavor, Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki Bakugo formed a group to do work study. From his parents, he got mixed quirks and was able to use both ice and firepower. Instead of Shoto original attire, we are covering school uniforms in this DIY. Between outfits hair remains the same, with a red and white two-toned style. He has alternatively brownish-grey and turquoise eyes with scar covering on this side. You have to wear a grey and dark teal blazer, with matching pants, a white shirt, and a red tie. His shoes are a light blueish-green, collects all the accessories of the Shoto Todoroki costume from My Hero Academia.
Shoto Todoroki Cosplay Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide to My Hero Academia costume with the Shoto wig. Further, made with synthetic fiber, smooth and looks like natural hair.
Scar Makeup Kit: Amazon
Collect a makeup kit to create an identical scar to the MHA manga shoot appearance. Additionally, the kit is perfect for creating any skin effects, bruises, abrasions, Halloween makeup, etc.
My Hero Academia Boys Uniform: Amazon
While watching My Hero Academia movie, you have to cart a uniform for this act. The package contains the blazer, pants, and tie, make sure you buy a button-down shirt separately.
White Button Down Shirt: Amazon
As the shirt is not included in the above package, therefore, you have to buy a shirt with a similar style to My Hero Academia manga. However, if you already have one in your wardrobe no need to cart this one.
Magnificient Icy Volcano Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
It is mandatory to collect contacts for Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia cosplay. However, if you are uncomfortable with the lenses kindly cosplay without them.
Blue Green Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
You have to collect a contact for one eye while this one is for another eye. Consciously select the eye because this one represents the scar part of the MHA Shoto face.
Mint White Converse Sneakers: Amazon
After having sneakers in your bucket you are ready for the Shoto Todoroki cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.