In the Digimon Data Squad, Marcus Damon (voiced by Sōichirō Hoshi and Quinton Flynn) is the main character. Marcus is extremely combative when it comes to his family and friends. He is the son of the Digimon researcher. Marcus has long auburn hair and his outfit consists of a red and white vest, olive green pants, and a black sleeveless shirt. He also wears a silver necklace given to him by his father, a black wrist cuff, and red and black sneakers. Collect all the accessories of the Marcus Damon costume from Digimon Data Squad for Halloween and cosplay.

Auburn Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Digimon Data Squad costume with the Marcus Demon wig. It will be the essence of 80’s fashion and made with synthetic fiber.

Red and White Vest: Amazon

Marcus Digimon Squad wears two layers of clothing, therefore, you have to cart this vest for this act. In addition, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors and designs of these sleeveless hoodies.

Black Sleeveless Shirt: Amazon

It is mandatory to collect a sleeveless shirt for Marcus Damon from Digimon Data Squad cosplay. Additionally, is made with ribbed knitted fabric, lightweight, soft, breathable, and will keep you cool all summer long.

Olive Green Pants: Amazon

Olive green pants are the perfect match for the Digimon Squad outfit. Besides, several colors on the linked page, there is an extra room in the hip and thigh for athletic builds.

Silver Rectangle Pendant Necklace: Amazon

Marcus Damon Digimon Data Squad keeps himself in the fashion by having a rectangle necklace. Nevertheless, it is a meaningful gift to your loved ones.

Black Wrist Cuffs: Amazon

Marcus wears leather cuffs on both of his wrists, hence, it is great for a punk rocker costume. It is made with faux leather and is affordable.

Black and Red Shoes: Amazon

After having shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Marcus Damon cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media. Moreover, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.