In the animated TV show Ben 10 and its spin-offs; Ben Tennyson (voiced by Tara Strong in the original series) is the protagonist. Ben can transformed into different aliens, after the discovery of Omnitrix. When Omnitrix was first discovered Ben was a bit immature and selfish. However, he developed good leadership skills later and became a hero. About the Ben outfit is a black and white t-shirt, green cargo pants, and black and white shoes for the Original series. He wears a black shirt, green jacket, blue jeans, and black and white canvas shoes in Ben 10: Alien Force and older. Instead of a toy Omnitrix, a green and black watch is a good option. Collect all the accessories of the Ben Tennyson costume from Ben 10 for Halloween and cosplay.

Green Ben 10 Alien Force Jacket: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Ben 10 costume with the Alien Force Jacket. Rather, than a synthetic jacket you may also Ben 10 leather Jacket for this act. Further, the jacket made with faux leather is available for both men and women.

Black T-Shirt: Amazon

A black t-shirt shall be worn under the jacket for Ben Ten costume. Available in 30 colors on the product page of the Amazon store.

Slim Fit Blue Jeans: Amazon

Collect blue jeans for Ben Tennyson from Ben 10 cosplay. If you already have one in your wardrobe, very well. Otherwise, add this item to your buy bucket.

Black and White Canvas Sneakers: Amazon

By adding sneakers you have finalized the Ben 10 Alien Force costume. The toecap is made with rubber and heel-enhanced foot protection.

Omnitrix Toy Watch: Amazon

Including cosplay, the Ben 10 Omnitrix watch has equal importance. So, the toy watch is the perfect option for the Ben ten cosplay. However, if you are uncomfortable with a toy Ben 10 watch, consider buying the green and black wristwatch display below.

Green and Black Watch: Amazon

No need to collect Omnitix wrist for the Ben 10 Omniverse collection if you feel awkward wearing it. Consider buying a displayed wristwatch instead.

Green Cargo Pants: Amazon

Ben 10 ultimate alien secures him in a situation; therefore, collect green pants for the Ben 10 original version. Additionally made of premium fabric, comfortable, and is great for everyday wear.

Black and White T-Shirt: Amazon

Transform your get-up into the Alien Ben Ten with the shirt to create the Original version. Nevertheless, it is perfect for casual wear, and vacation and easy to pair with jeans, pants, shorts, etc.

Black and White Sneakers: Amazon

After having sneakers in your bucket you are ready for Ben Tennyson cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.