Sniper Mask (voiced by Yuichiro Umehara and Jonah Scott) also known as Yuka Makoto. He is imposing himself as an anti-hero in High-Rise Invasion. Yuka is the stepbrother of Yuri Honjo and brother of Rika Honjo. Anime Sniper Mask wears a fedora, dark suit, white shirt, tie, gloves, and shoes. His identity refers to the creepy smiling Angel mask he wears, which controls his actions and emotions. Collect all the accessories of the Sniper Mask costume from High-Rise Invasion for Halloween and cosplay.

Sniper Mask: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the High-Rise Invasion costume with the Sniper Mask anime. It looks realistic, beautiful, and according to the animation High Invasion.

Black Fedora: Amazon

Alongside the anime mask, you must have a black hat to secure the identity of Invasion anime. The premium felt fabric makes it lightweight and reliable for long-term use.

Black Slim Fit Suit: Amazon

A black suit is mandatory for Sniper Mask from High-Rise Invasion cosplay. It is perfect for dating, weddings, anniversaries, etc. Visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors as well.

White Dress Shirt: Amazon

Besides High-Rise anime, we all have white shirts in our wardrobe. Additionally, it is stretch fabrics that have good elasticity and comfort.

Black Tie: Amazon

Instead of buying a tie with a suit, we prefer to purchase separately. Nevertheless, its elegant skinny style looks great on every man and woman in every outfit.

Black Belt with Silver Oval Belt Buckle: Amazon

The appearance of the High Rise Invasion Sniper Mask comes in light when you wear a belt with an oval buckle. In addition, it is made with genuine leather.

Black Gloves: Amazon

Gloves will finalize the look of the Sniper Mask High Rise Invasion manga. Further, the motorcycle gloves are made with PU leather and are available in different colors on the display page.

Black Square Toe Shoes: Amazon

After having shoes in your collection you are ready for the Sniper Mask cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.