In the My Hero Academia movie, David (voiced in Japanese by Katsuhisa Namase and in English by Ray Chase) is a secondary main character. He is a former scientist and sidekick who supports items to heroes. Later his daughter Melissa follows his steps and studies to be a support specialist. David has light brown partly messy hair and a matching goatee. He wears dark blue glasses over teal-ish aqua-colored eyes. David mainly wears a dark navy shirt, light greenish blue paint, and a dark brown belt. He also wears a wedding ring, a black wristwatch, and red, white, and blueish-grey sneakers. Collect all the accessories of the David Shield costume from My Hero Academia for Halloween and cosplay.

Short Light Brown Cosplay Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of My Hero Academia costume with the short light brown wig. Make sure that you have an identical hairstyle to the character.

Light Brown Cosplay Goatee: Amazon

Besides MHA villain appearances you need a light brown goatee for this act. Alongside its professional quality, you can hold it with spirit gum.

Blue Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso

Collecting blue contacts for David Shield from My Hero Academia cosplay is mandatory. However, if you are uncomfortable with the lenses kindly cosplay without them.

Blue Non-Prescription Glasses: Amazon

Alongside the lens, you cart blue glasses to cover your eyes. Additionally, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors.

Navy Blue Button Down Shirt: Amazon

It’s time for the MHA hero rising therefore collect the blue shirt for David cosplay. Further, visit the product page of the MHA store to grab more colors as well.

Slim Fit Light Grey Slacks: Amazon

Alongside shirt cart light grey pants to become a character of My Hero Academia movie. Additionally, pants can be worn with a dress shirt or a blazer.

Dress Belt Dark Brown: Amazon

Like other My Hero Academia anime, a dark brown belt is required. It is made with faux leather but has an original texture like leather.

Square Smart Watch: Amazon

Numerous brands are available for square watches but we suggest the displayed one for MHA manga cosplay. Visit the product page to find the latest features of the smartwatch.

Stainless Steel Costume Ring: Amazon

Besides Lord of the Ring, this ring is recommended for MHA David Shield cosplay. The ring must be slim and perfect for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, etc.

Sneakers: Amazon

After having sneakers in your bucket you are ready for the David Shield cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.