In the video game, Baldur’s Gate 3, Wyll is a popular Companion character. He is a human Warlock known as the Blade of Frontiers. He always fights injustice and is ready to hunt monsters. Mizora is his infernal patron where he gets his source power. He is the project of his beloved city Balbur’s Gate. Wyll is kindhearted and noble; at Emerald Grove, he can recruited by the party. If the party recruited Karlach, he will turned into a devil by Mizora. You will see his camp outfit in this DIY guide with optional devil accessories. Collect all the accessories of the Wyll Ravengard costume from Baldur’s Gate 3 for Halloween and cosplay.

Demon Horns: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Baldur’s Gate 3 costume with the demon horn. The horn design looks fashionable and creative. The hairband is made of cloth therefore it is soft and light weighted.

Red Sclera Contacts: Product Page

Red contacts are mandatory for Wyll Ravengurd from Baldur’s Gate cosplay. However, if you are uncomfortable with the lenses kindly cosplay without them.

Black Renaissance Tank Top: Amazon

A black tank top is mandatory for the Wyll Ravengurd from Baldur’s Gate cosplay. Further, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors as well.

Black Leather Pants: Amazon

A black leather pant is perfect for the Baldur’s Gate III Ravengard cosplay. In addition, it made with faux leather, stretchy, and comfortable to wear.

Wide Brown Belt: Amazon

You also required a wide belt for an act of the character from the Baldur game. Besides Baldur 3, it is perfect with a dress, skirt, tunic, shirt, etc.

Maroon Wrist Gauntlet: Amazon

Baldurs Wyll Ravengard outfit shall be finalized with the wrist gauntlet. Additionally, the bracelet made with synthetic leather and is available in different colors on the product page of the Amazon store.

Black Loafers: Amazon

After having black loafers in your bucket you are ready for the Wyll Ravengurd cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.