In the animated series South Park, Jason White (voiced by Trey Parker) is an elementary school student. He is a member of Craig’s Gang and also a part of the main quartet’s extended friend group. In the episode “The List”, Jason has voted the fifth cutest boy. Jason wears a purple jacket with a contrasting collar, light blue pants, and black shoes. Jason’s hair is brown and long, with a high hairline and sideburns. A wig is based on Jack’s hair in The Shining a close match. Collect all the accessories of the Jason white costume from South Park for Halloween and cosplay.

Brown Receding Hairline Wig: Walmart

Let’s begin the DIY guide to the South Park costume with the Jason wig. Additionally, the wig is made with high-quality material, is durable, and looks like natural hair.

Purple Coat: Amazon

Collect a purple jacket for the Jason white from South Park cosplay. In addition, it features an athletic style, lightweight stretchy fabric, and four pockets to fit your necessities. Visit the product page of the South Park store to grab more colors.

Purple Pants: Amazon

Besides the South Park Game, you must focus on Jason White South Part outfit. Hence, cart this item to an identical appearance to the character. Pants are roomy through the hips and thigh, furthermore, blend chino fabric is treated for ease of care with a wrinkle-resistant finish. The material is soft, comfortable, and relaxed and is available in different colors on the linked page.

Black Shoes: Amazon

Every New South Park series introduces fresh characters, but for now, you need black shoes for Jason White cosplay. Further, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.