In the animated series Tiny Toon Adventures, Julie Bruin (based on and voiced by Julie Brown) is a character. Julie appears cheerful and happy, however, she doesn’t have much screen time. Julie wears a sexy green dress, black earrings, gloves, and pumps. Add an animal ear headband to complete her look as a bear. She has ginger hair with bangs and applied red lipstick. Collect all the accessories of the Julie Bruin costume from Tiny Toon Adventures for Halloween and cosplay.

Ginger Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Tiny Toon Adventures costume with Julie Bruin wig. It is made with heat-friendly fiber, is soft, and looks natural.

Bear Ear Headband: Amazon

While Tiny Toon Adventures’ Halloween appearance, remember Julie is a bear, therefore, you must have a bear ear headband for this act.

Black Bar Earrings: Amazon

Cart pair of black earrings for Julie’s Tiny Looney Tunes appearance. The earrings are made of stainless steel, lightweight, and are eye-catching.

Orange Red Lipstick: Amazon

Tiny Toon Adventures Julie Bruin makeup required an orange-red lipstick. Additionally, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more attractive colors.

Green Halter Dress: Amazon

Collect a green dress for Julie Bruin from Tiny Toon Adventures cosplay. In addition, these vintage dresses are suitable for wedding parties, cocktails, casual, etc.

Black Gloves: Amazon

Gloves will finalize the look for the Julie Bruin Tiny Toon Adventures outfit. It is easy to wear and satin gloves are available in numerous colors on the display page.

Black Pumps: Amazon

After having pumps in your bucket you are ready for Julie Bruin cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Cartoon & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.