In the animated series, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Chiro (voiced by Rica Matsumoto and Greg Cipes) is the main character. Chiro is impulsive, stubborn, outgoing, and loves video games. He is the leader of the Shuggazoomian Hyperforce. Chiro has black hair and blue eyes. He wears a school uniform consisting of white and black shoes, blue pants, a tie with a white collared shirt, and a sweater. His superhero uniform is white with blue boots, orange gloves, an orange scarf, and a partial face mask. Collect all the accessories of the Chiro costume from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go for Halloween and cosplay.
White Collared Shirt: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go costume. The shirt can be worn casually, or with a jacket, suit, and tie.
Blue Tie: Amazon
Chiro Super Robot Monkey wears a blue tie for this particular act. Further, visit the Amazon store to grab more colors.
Blue Pants: Amazon
Blue pants are required for the Chiro from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go cosplay. Additionally, the pans feature two side-seam pockets, two rear welt pockets, and a zip fly with a button.
Red Orange Sweater: Amazon
A sweater is required for the Chiro school uniform, therefore, you must collect an identical one for this act. The cotton blended sweater is comfortable from the shoulder, chest, and waist.
Black and White Sneakers: Amazon
Besides the Jinmay attire, you have to collect sneakers for Chiro cosplay. In addition, it features a synthetic leather upper, and the form strip stretches along the side.
White Martial Art Uniform: Amazon
Rather than a school outfit, you may try his superhero uniform with martial arts attire. Chiro Super Hyper Monkey Force Go looks amazing in this appearance.
Chiro costume Orange Gloves: Amazon
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go Chiro wears orange gloves as his superhero outfit. Further, made of PVC material with a sandy finish.
Orange Scarf: Amazon
Need an orange scarf for the Chiro Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go outfit. Moreover, the scarf is silky and soft just like a silk scarf, and looks slightly shiny like a satin scarf.
White Eye Mask: Amazon
The SRMTHG Chiro wears a white mask for this outfit. Nevertheless, a superhero is incomplete without a mask, so you need a similar mask for Chiro’s appearance.
Blue Boots: Amazon
After having blue boots in your bucket you are ready for the Chiro cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.