In the Hellsing anime series, Alucard (voiced by Jouji Nakata in Japanese and Crispin Freeman in English) is the protagonist. Hellsing Organization makes him a powerful weapon against vampires and other supernatural forces. In his past life, he assumed the identity of Count Dracula. As a part of Alucard’s servitude to the Hellsing family, he operates as a vampire hunter and is modified to hunt his own kind. Collect all the accessories of the Alucard costume from Hellsing for Halloween and cosplay.

Red Wide Brimmed Hat: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Hellsing costume with the Alucard hat. Further, made by soft two-layer material ensures durability and high performance, keeping you feel comfortable all the way.

Gray Suit and Pants: Amazon

Gray suit and pants are required for Alucard from Hellsing cosplay. A tie is included in the package, however, you don’t need it for this act.

Red Trench Coat: Amazon

A red trench coat must be worn over the suit for Alucard anime cosplay. Additionally, visit the Amazon store to grab more colors.

White Formal Dress Shirt: Amazon

Besides Hellsing ultimate collection, cart a formal white shirt for this act. Moreover, the shirt will keep looking good for a long time after the first ironing.

Red Western Tie: Amazon

Alucard Hellsing outfit shall be finalized with the western tie. Additionally, quickly puts on and takes off and comes with an adjustable neck strap.

Alucard Gloves: Amazon

The Hellsing Alucard outfit can finished by adding gloves to your collection. The gloves have special anime prints written on them.

Alucard Glasses: Amazon

A vampire with a unique appearance, though, has no villainous qualities. Rather than Halloween cosplay, you can wear it daily.

Black Knee High Boots: Amazon

After taking boots in your bucket you are ready for the Alucard cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.