In the Kingdom Hearts franchise, especially 358 2 Days, Xion (voiced in Japanese by Risa Uchida and in English by Alyson Stoner and Hayden Panettiere) is one of the main characters. You may also like the Xion KH3 outfit by clicking here. She doesn’t have an official title, though, Xion is a part of Organization XIII. She was a created being meant to siphon the ability to wield the keyblade. After passing the time, she grows stronger. Xion has black hair and vibrant deep blue eyes. She wears an Organization XIII cloak, black gloves, pants, and heeled boots with silver trim. She can wield the Kingdom Key keyblade. Collect all the accessories of the Xion costume from Kingdom Hearts for Halloween and cosplay.
Short Black Fluffy Cosplay Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Kingdom Hearts costume with the Xion wig. It is made with heat-resistant fiber, and numerous colors of anime wigs are displayed on the linked page.
Organization XIII Cloak: Amazon
Besides Heart of Kingdom, concentrate on buying Xion cloak. The cloak jacket is made with PU leather so that you can educate yourself on the difference between genuine and synthetic leather.
Black Faux Leather Leggings: Amazon
Collect leather leggings for the Xion from Kingdom Hearts cosplay. Additionally, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors.
Dark Blue Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
Blue contacts are required for the Xion Kingdom Hearts 358 2 days appearance. However, if you are uncomfortable with the lenses kindly cosplay without them.
Kingdom Key Cosplay Prop: Amazon
KH Xion carries a key as one of the main accessories, therefore, you must cart a similar item for this act. The article is originally a licensed item from Disney Kingdom Hearts.
Black Driving Gloves: Amazon
Mostly every character who belongs to Organization XIII wears black gloves in the Kingdom Hearts series. In addition, elasticity technology is added to the wrist.
Organization XIII Cosplay Boots: Amazon
After having boots in your bucket you are ready for the Xion cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.