In the animated show South Park, Jenny Simons (voiced by April Stewart) is a 4th-grade female student in South Park Elementary. She is the co-chair of “the list” making committee, a member of the counterfeit list conspiracy, and a best friend with Lola. Compared to Wendy, Jenny has long black hair with bangs. She wore a dark purple headband that matches her mittens. She wears black shoes that most South Park characters wear along with dark blue pants and a light jacket. Collect all the accessories of the Jenny Simons costume from South Park for Halloween and cosplay.

Black Wig with Bangs: Amazon

Let’s begin this DIY guide to the South Park costume with Jenny Simons wig. This hair top piece is constructed with a breathable inner net, which is more breathable without sultry. It gives you natural looks and is comfortable to wear.

Dark Purple Headband: Amazon

The purple headband is the mandatory item for South Park cosplay. You collect more color on the product page of the Amazon store. These fashion accessories are made with leather-like fabric and are durable.

Light Blue Jacket: Amazon

You are free to wear anything like a t-shirt or tank top under the blue jacket to keep you comfortable during Jenny Simons cosplay. It is soft and eye-catching in combination with jeans. Visit the product page of the South Park shop to see more colors as South Park special.

Dark Blue Pants: Amazon

Dark blue pants are the perfect match with the jacket for Jenny Simons from South Park. With a relaxed fit and mid-rise, these pants are a wardrobe necessity. It keeps you looking wrinkle-free and carefree wear from work to dinner.

Dark Purple Mittens: Amazon

Remember you are not playing the South Park game, you are collecting costume accessories for cosplay. The wool mittens are knitted of great Plush; keeping your hands warm and cozy. 

Black Shoes: Amazon

After having black shoes in your bucket you are ready for Jenny cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Cartoon & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. If you like this DIY guide, share it with your friends and family on social media.