In the animated series Total Drama Island, Eva (voiced by Julia Chantrey) is a competitive character. she is a fierce competitor on the Killer Bass team due to her aggressive attitude and physical strength. Though Eva originally has trouble reining in her temper, she eventually enrolls in anger management classes and becomes closer to Gwen. Her workout clothing leans into a blue color palette, and she wears her hair in a ponytail. Don’t forget a little eyeliner to fill in your eyebrows and draw on Eva’s signature beauty mark. Collect all the accessories of the Eva costume from Total Drama Island for Halloween and cosplay.
Dark Blue Sleeveless Golf Shirt: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Total Drama Island costume with the dark blue golf shirt. It is great for indoor and outdoor activities such as jogging, yoga, gym, etc. It is an ideal gift for friends and family.
Dark Blue Basketball Shorts: Amazon
The shorts allow for free movement, athletics, and many games other than Total Drama Island reunions. It is the must-buy item for Eva cosplay.
Blue Stripe Tube Socks: Amazon
Eva from Total Drama Island looks like a proper athletic woman therefore tube socks are here mandatory attire for Total Drama Island cosplay.
Dark Blue Sneakers: Amazon
Other than Total Drama season these tennis shoes are designed for maximum comfort, perfect for hiking, walking, etc.
Blue Hair ties: Amazon
Before you make yourself available for the Total Drama Action team for Eva cosplay make you have blue ties to make a ponytail hairstyle. Visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors as well.
Black Eyeliner: Amazon
As far as Eva’s makeup, you need the eyeliner pencil to make perfect cosplay of her. If you like this DIY guide kindly share it on social media with your friends and family. Hey! don’t forget to visit our collection of Cartoon & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.