In the webtoon, Eddsworld, Patryck (voiced by and based upon Patryck Dudulewicz) is a recurring character; who makes a few cameos throughout Eddsworld: Legacy‘s animations. Sharing some aesthetic similarities with Paul, Patryck wears his hair parted down the middle and his red turtleneck can pretty much always be seen poking out from his blue coat.  Paul often carries a rifle strapped to his back; an airsoft version, or other toy counterparts, can help really sell the finished look. Collect all the accessories of Patryck costume from Eddsworld for Halloween and cosplay.

Brown Center Part Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to Eddsworld costume with the Patryck wig. Short layered wig made from flame retardant synthetic fiber to ensure naturalness, gloss, and softness like real hair.

Blue Tailcoat: Amazon

Patryck Eddsworld wears a blue tailcoat which is a part of his uniform. It is the perfect tuxedo jacket coat for renaissance-themed & rock parties, Halloween costumes, nightclub fashion shows, etc.

Red Turtleneck Sweater: Amazon

A red turtle neck sweater is the mandatory costume accessory for Patryck from Eddsworld. Actually is the right time and item to invest in as winter is coming. Visit the product page of the Amazon store to collect more colors as well.

Grey Pants: Amazon

A gray pant is required for the Patryck Eddsworld cosplay and is perfect for everyday wear. Visit the product page of the Eddsworld store for more collections and colors.

Airsoft Rifle: Amazon

Spring powdered single-shot rifle is perfect for the Patryck cosplay along with attire. You will find a fixed blade front sight and a fixed notched rear sight.

Gray Boot: Amazon

After having gray boots in your bucket you are ready for Halloween cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Cartoon & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.