In the Bungo Stray Dogs anime, Chuuya Nakahara (voiced in Japanese by Kishō Taniyama and in English by Nicolas Roye) is one of the top executives in the Port Mafia. She was the former partner of the Dazai in the Double Black team. At that time they both were part of the Mafia; however, she is still working with him when their organizations work in tandem against a larger power. He has skills of gravity manipulation; though he has larger god-like powers that can be overwhelming and only tamable by Dazai. He has fluffy orange long hair, very pretty blue eyes, and wore a long over one shoulder. Collect all the accessories of the Chuuya Nakahara costume from Bungo Stray Dogs for Halloween and cosplay.

Chuuya Nakahara Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Bungo Stray Dogs costume with the Chuuya Nakahara Wig. He wears a white shirt with a black choker collar, a black harness-type tie over top, and a grey vest. More accessories include a black and brown bolero jacket, an off-shoulder long coat, black pants, black shoes, and a pair of black gloves, etc.

Chuuya Nakahara Cosplay Outfit With Accessories: Amazon

With a single click, you will collect all the accessories of Chuuya Bungo Stray Dogs cosplay. Nevertheless,  Anime uniforms come in a complete package including Hat, Shirt, Top, Pants, Trench Coat, Vest, Neck Decoration, Strap, Hanging Ornament, Black Gloves, etc.

Dark Blue Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso

However, blue contacts will give you an identical look to the Bungo Stray Dogs manga style. In case you are uncomfortable with the lens kindly perform your act without them.

Dress Oxfords Black: Amazon

After having black shoes in your bucket you are ready for Chuuya Nakahara cosplay. On the contrary, we appreciate it if you could visit our collection of Cartoons & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.