In the anime SK8 the Infinity, Miya (voiced in Japanese by Takuma Nagatsuka and in English by Ry McKeand) is one of the prominent cast members. He is very well known in the circle for his talent; however, he is among the younger members of ‘S’. With the help of his manager; Miya does skating competitions, training to move forward professionally. Aside from skateboarding, he also enjoys playing video games. Miya has fluffy black hair with two ahoges, and vibrant green eyes. His outfit is very cat themed, with a striped shirt underneath a bright green and blue hoodie with cat ears, eyes, and a tail attached. Collect all the accessories of the Miya Chinen costume from SK8 the Infinity for Halloween and cosplay.
Miya Chinen Cosplay Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the SK8 The Infinity costume with the Miya Chinen wig; made with heat-resistant fiber and perfect for comic con, casual, and Miya cosplay.
Miya Chinen Outfit With Accessories: Amazon
You will find all the accessories Miya Chinen from SK8 The Infinity cosplay on the product page; the package includes a coat, shorts, sleeves, gloves, socks, tail, etc. He wears a pair of gloves while he skates, black sports shorts, blue socks with orange stripes, and yellow and white shoes with blue stripes.
Green Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
Miya SK8 anime requires green contact for an identical look; however, if you are uncomfortable with the lens kindly cosplay without them.
Miya Chinen Skateboard Cosplay Prop: Amazon
Miya’s skateboard is black with a purple X on the top, and a cat/game motif across the bottom. There are both sides of patterns on the skateboard of Miya SK8 the infinity manga.
Miya Chinen Shoes: Amazon
After having shoes in your bucket you are ready for Miya Chinen cosplay at Halloween. Kindly visit our collection of game con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.