In the anime series Free! Seijuro (voiced in Japanese by Kenjiro Tsuda and in English by Robert McCollum) is one of the secondary characters. At Samezuka Academy he was the captain of the swimming club; until passing the title on to Rin upon graduating. Momotaro is his younger brother who is currently studying at Samezuka also on the team. Seijuro has short, spiky, burnt orange colored hair and golden eyes. He wears an undershirt t-shirt that’s a similar color to his hair, a Samezuka Academy sports jacket, and a pair of black pants. Collect all the accessories of the Seijuro Mikoshiba costume from Free! (sports outfit) for Halloween and cosplay.
Ride or Die Protocol Cosplay Wig: Product Page
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the anime Free! costume with Seijuro Mikoshiba wig; lace front wig is one of the most stylable, spike able, fluffy, etc.
Yellow Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
Yellow contacts are mandatory for the Seijuro Mikoshiba from Free! cosplay; however, if you are uncomfortable with the lens kindly cosplay without them.
Samezuka Academy School Sports Jacket: Amazon
Besides other anime characters, you required a Samezuka Academy Jacket for the Seijuro cosplay; almost all sizes are available on the product page of the Amazon store.
Heavyweight Cotton T-Shirt Orange: Amazon
Among numerous colors of the t-shirt in store, you must collect the orange one for this act; a high-quality cotton shirt has been constructed to last you a long time. The shirt will last through multiple wash cycles; it has been preshrunk beforehand to minimize shrinkage after washing and drying, and reactively dyed for long-lasting color.
Hanes Essentials Sweatpants Black: Amazon
After having sweatpants in your bucket you are ready for the Seijuro Mikoshiba costume at Halloween. Visit our collection of game con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. We appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.