In the original 2003, Fullmetal Alchemist series; Fletcher (voiced in Japanese by Minako Arakawa and in English by Avery Rice-Williams) is a side character. Instead of manga, he and his brother Russell; originally from the light novel for the series ‘The Land of Sand’, instead of the manga. Russell and Fletcher impersonate ED and Al to follow their father’s research to gain access to resources they would otherwise not have. Fletcher is much more reluctant to do this. Fletcher has short, fluffy blonde hair, and grey-blue eyes. He wears a green open-top cap with earflaps and matching loose overalls, held up with one strap over a short-sleeved white turtleneck shirt. The outfit is finished off with light brown shoes. Collect all the accessories of Fletcher Tringham costume from Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 for Halloween and cosplay.
Short Blonde Fluffy Cosplay Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Fullmetal Alchemist costume with the Fletcher wig; made with polyester material, the product page contains more colors and styles of the wig for the anime cosplay.
Oliver Green Ushanka Hat: Amazon
After considering the Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 series, there is no other way to collect identical caps; therefore, you have to cut the top and front/side of the flaps flap to style.
White Turtleneck T-Shirt: Amazon
Besides Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, a white t-shirt is a must-buying item for the Fletcher cosplay. Further, the product page of the Amazon store has varieties of colors and styles available.
Army Green Overalls: Amazon
Ary green overall is mandatory for the Fletcher Tringham costume from Fullmetal Alchemist cosplay; comfortable and breathable to wear, skin-friendly, and durable.
Urban Layer New York Blue Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso
Blue cosplay contacts are mandatory for the Fleatcher FMA 2003; however, if you are uncomfortable with the lenses kindly cosplay without them.
Rockport Slip-On Brown Loafers: Amazon
After having a brown loafer in your bucket you are ready for the Fletcher Tringham cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of game con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.