In the Super Mario Bros franchise, Toadette is a recurring Toad character. Alongside Mario & Luigi and others, she is a playable character in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. However, the Toadette color scheme is almost entirely pink as compared to other toads. The Toadette outfit consists of a pink dress layered beneath a red and gold vest, white pants, and brown shoes. A pre-made crochet version of the Toadette Hat is available; however, you can use a pink mushroom beret and then add your pom-poms by running a string of thread from the brim of your hat and through the pom-poms before tying it off at the end. Collect all the accessories of the Toadette costume from Super Mario Bros. Wonder for Halloween and cosplay.

Pink Sleeveless Dress: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Super Mario costume with the Toadette dress; it is perfect for beach, parties, casual, etc., and available in numerous designs on the linked page.

White Leggings: Amazon

While collecting the Pink Toadette costume you have to cart white leggings as well; in addition, pair these high-rise leggings with a Sports Bra, Tank Top, or T-shirt to complete your athleisure look.

Red and Gold Vest: Amazon

Toadette costume adult requires the Toadette vest in red and gold; further, it has an open velvet front, skin-friendly, breathable, and comfy to wear and touch.

Pink Toadette Hat: Amazon

We have two options for the Toadette Hat, The first one is displayed above; just you have to click the link and add this item to the cart for this act. Furthermore, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors of mushroom hats.

Pink Mushroom Hat: Amazon

The second option needs little effort to recreate the look of Toadette from Super Mario Bros. Wonder cosplay; initially cart this mushroom hat.

Large Pink Pom Poms: Amazon

If you have decided to recreate the Toadette mushroom hat then you need the pink pom pom for making a thread string. The more precise you stitch the more accuracy you will have in it.

Sewing Kit: Amazon

With the help of the sewing kit make a string of pom poms and attach it to both sides of the hat; however, your creation will lead you to the level of confidence.

Brown Shoes: Amazon

After having brown shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Toadette cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.