In Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, Brick (voiced by Jon Cor) begins as a member of the Mutant Maggots. Later, along with Lightning, B, Dakota, and others, switch to the Toxic Rats. He never left his teammates behind as he is an army kid who respects his superior. Jo and Brick often compete with each other. His unibrow is the most distinctive feature of Brick. Brick wears an army green shirt, black combat boots, and long blue shorts. Finish the look with a black belt and silver dog tag. Collect all the accessories of the Brick costume from Total Drama for Halloween and cosplay.

Army Green Mock Turtleneck Shirt: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Total Drama costume with the Brick shirt. Further, it is soft, lightweight, and suitable for all seasons. Visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors.

Dark Blue Capri Shorts: Amazon

Shorts are required for the Brick from Total Drama cosplay. Additional features are a zip fly with button closure, elastic waist, and adjustable drawstring bottom to provide a comfortable & relaxed fit.

Black Ratchet Belt: Amazon

Besides the Yellow Brick Road costume, collect a black web belt for this act. It is made of comfortable and breathable nylon and lightweight.

Adhesive Unibrow: Amazon

Particularly for this character from the Total Drama series, you must cart adhesive unibrows. Applying it will give you a similar appearance to the character.

Dog Tags: Amazon

Total Drama Presents Brick wearing a dog tag, therefore, you must have one for this act. The tag is commonly used and worn by most of the GI Joe physically.

White Socks: Amazon

Finalize the look of Brick Total Island with the socks. In addition, graduated compression throughout the leg improves circulation to reduce leg fatigue.

Black Combat Boots: Amazon

After having boots in your bucket you are ready for the TD Drama Brick cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share the DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.