In the manga/anime series Death Note, Matsuda (voiced in Japanese by Ryo Naitou and in English by Vincent Tong) is an important supporting character. To catch Kira, he is part of the police task force that L assembles, however, bit reckless. Matsuda has chin-length fluffy black hair and light hazel eyes. He usually wears a slate-blue suit, a white button-down shirt, a red tie while on the job, and black loafers. Collect all the accessories of the Touta Matsuda costume from Death Note for Halloween and cosplay.

Short Black Cosplay Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the Death Note costume DIY guide with the Touta Matsuda wig. Made with high-resistant fiber, anime wigs are also available in other colors on the linked page.

Yellow Brown Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso

Contact lenses are required for Touta Matsuda from Death Notes cosplay. However, if you are uncomfortable with them, kindly cosplay without them.

Two Piece Denim Blue Suit Set: Amazon

Matsuda Death Note anime wears a blue suit during his working hours. Therefore, you must collect the same for this act.

White Button Down Shirt: Amazon

Besides the Death Note TV series, everyone has a white shirt in the wardrobe. Though, if you don’t have one cart this item. Additionally, visit the Amazon store to grab more colors.

Solid Dark Red Tie: Amazon

Anime death requires a particular get for the Touta cosplay. So, add a red tie as a contrast for an identical look to the anime character. In addition, suitable for any occasion with an impeccable look, such as a party, banquet, wedding, etc.

Black Loafers: Amazon

After having loafers in your bucket you are ready for Touta Matsuda cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.