In the Hellsing anime series, Schrodinger (voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi and Laura Bailey) is a major antagonist. Additionally, he is often at odds with the vampire Alucard. His cruelty does not diminish, however, many times he is a playful and teasing werecat. Schrodinger wears a Nazi youth uniform which includes a yellow short sleeves button-down shirt, black shorts, and knee-high socks. He also wears a black tie, white gloves, a belt, a red and white striped armband, and a leather strap over your right shoulder. Finalize his look with an animal ear headband and a blonde wig. Collect all the accessories of the Schrodinger costume from Hellsing for Halloween and cosplay.
Blonde Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Hellsing costume with the Schrodinger wig. Made with high-resistant fiber and perfect for anime cosplay.
Black Animal Ear Headband: Amazon
Adding a headband makes Schrodinger Hellsing’s naughty appearance visible in your looks. Further, the material is ultra-soft and gives the ears a realistic feel.
Yellow Button Down Shirt: Amazon
A yellow shirt is required for the Schrodinger from Hellsing cosplay. You can also grab more colors by visiting the Amazon store.
Black Shorts: Amazon
Hellsing Schrodinger uniform needs a short, precise appearance. It features a hidden security pocket with a concealed zipper and coin compartment.
Black Tie: Amazon
Cart a black for Hellsing ultimate look. It is suitable for any occasion, the best match for proms, wedding receptions, formal meetings, etc.
Black Belt: Amazon
Besides Alucard of Hellsing, you should have a black leather belt for this act. You can now educate fake and real leather by clicking here!
Black Replacement Purse Strap: Amazon
Schrodinger Hellsing anime look shall be visualized by wearing a purse strap with other accessories. Nevertheless, made with genuine leather with sturdy metal buckles.
White Gloves: Amazon
Rather than Mickey Mouse gloves, we prefer buying the displayed one. It is lightly stretchable to fit and feels soft and lightweight.
Red and White Arm Band: Amazon
Hellsing outfit finalize by adding an armband to your collection. The linked page has a variety of other colors and combinations.
Black Knee Socks with White Stripes: Amazon
You can wear any black socks in a Schrodinger outfit, but the displayed one is more appropriate according to the Schrodinger cosplay.
Brown Boots: Amazon
After adding boots to your bucket you are ready for the Schrodinger cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.