In the Cartoon Network stop-motion series Robot Chicken, The Nerd (voiced by Seth Green) is one of the main characters. He likes video games, movies, books, television, and other nerdy things. The Nerd outfit includes a black tie, yellow button-down shirt, white leg pants rolled at the cuff and black shoes. He wears his hair parted off center, slicked down, and dons a pair of glasses. Collect all the accessories of the Nerd costume from Robot Chicken for Halloween and cosplay.

Yellow Button Down Shirt: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Robot Chicken costume with the cute Nerd outfit shirt. Additionally, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more attractive colors as well.

Black Wide Leg Denim Pants: Amazon

Black denim is required for the Nerd from Robot Chicken cosplay. In addition, it is made of high-quality cotton, breathable, and comfortable to wear.

Black Tie: Amazon

Besides the Robot Chicken series, you must add a red tie to your Nerd costume. Pure colors make the tie look simple but classic and gentle. Further, it is suitable for any occasion, the best match for proms, wedding receptions, etc.

Black Frame Glasses: Amazon

The nerdy look shall be visible by wearing a black frame along with a Nerd Robot Chicken outfit. Nevertheless, it is a perfect pair of fake glasses if you are dressing up as a geek for Halloween, or as Superman’s with his disguise. The products are made of tested materials that are non-toxic and safe.

Black Loafers: Amazon

After having loafers in your bucket you are ready for the Nerd cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Cartoon and Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.