In the horror game In Sound Mind, Desmond Wales (portrayed by Mick Lauer) is the main protagonist. Desmond experiences a psychological trip, while under the psychoactive influence of Agent Rainbow. During this trip, he unearths the mystery of Milton Haven, where he lives. He is a clinical psychologist and wears a casual business outfit. You need a white dress shirt, brown shoes, a brown tie, brown slacks, and a green sweater vest. Finalize his costume with round-rimmed glasses. Collect all the accessories of the Desmond Wales costume from In Sound Mind.
Green Button Front Sweater Vest: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY to the In Sound Mind costume with the green sweater vest. Further, You can wear it with a dress shirt and pants for work, or casually with jeans and a tee.
White Dress Shirt: Amazon
Besides In Sound Mind 2, collect a white shirt for this act. If you already have one in your wardrobe, no need to cart this item.
Brown Slacks: Amazon
Collect brown slack for Desmond Wales from In Sound Mind cosplay. The pants are roomy through the hip & thigh with straight legs.
Brown Plaid Tie: Amazon
In Sound Mind Gamestop required a tie to have an identical appearance to the character. In addition, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors and styles.
Vintage Round Frame Clear Lens Glasses: Amazon
Instead of Harry Potter style, Desmond wears round glasses In Mind Sound game. It is made with metal, non-polarized, and resin lenses.
Wrist Watch: Amazon
It is an optional accessory for the In Sound Mind Desmond Wales outfit. Therefore, make your choice whether to add this item to your collection.
Brown Dress Shoes: Amazon
After having brown shoes in your bucket you are ready for Desmond Wales cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.