Disney Mickey Mouse is the unique cartoon mouse who still rule the Mickey Party in the heart of the fans and followers of Disney Cartoon. Sorcerer Mickey Mouse is the magical form of Mickey Mouse Cartoon which is the most famous role in Fantasia costume. Mickey Mouse sorcerer first appears as the main character in the Mickey Mouse animation 1940 film Fantasia. He serves as an apprentice who uses his master’s magic tricks to avoid doing his chores, but soon loses control of the situation.

Findurfuture on its journey to the accumulated DIY guide of Disney Halloween costumes. We share the Sorcerer Mickey Mouse costume for fans and followers of Mickey Mouse characters to cosplay at Halloween.

I Want Mickey Mouse ….. where he is ….. follow the instruction below and see in the mirror…

Disney Sorcerer Mickey Ear Hat: Amazon

Let’s begin this costume guide with the unique accessories that you must have to cosplay this character at Halloween; the Mickey Mouse head hat with attached ears.

Mikie Mouse Velvet Wizard Robe: Amazon

To look like magician and present the Mickey Mouse show you required red velvet robe. Mostly magician uses this type of costume to play a safe and secure trick in front of the audience.

Mickey Mouse Gloves: Amazon

To enter into the Disney Clubhouse and perform the most demanding characters of Micky Mouse and Minnie Mouse. Each and every follower must have these gloves which show their inspiration towards the character from Mickey Mouse Cartoon video.

Mickey Shorts: Amazon

Mickey mouse shorts in blue color is worn by original Mickey mouse in the animated movie, so that you may also have to order this item at the product page.

Mikey Mouse Full Body Costume: Amazon

Prior to wearing shorts, you need to wear the black bodysuit that covers your body and turn it into black; identical with the character of Mickey and mouse in the film.

Mickey Mouse Show Roman Rope: Amazon

Costume rope is used to tie your cloak. This is the time when devotees create an environment of the Mickey Birthday; especially for their kids who are also the biggest fan of the character since their childhood.

Mickey Mouse Games Shoes: Amazon

Finally, with the Mickey Mouse shoes, you became a member of the Mickey Mouse Club. Cosplay this character at Halloween and sing Mickey Mouse Song. Therefore, without making an identical Mickey Mouse house. Visit the Halloween costume guide of Disney World, Click Here!