Roddy St. James (voiced by Hugh Jackman) is Rita’s boyfriend. In the Dreamworks film Flushed Away, he was post rat who gets flushed down the toilet. Rita Malone and Roddy made a team to find his home. Roddy’s wardrobe at the penthouse consisted of doll clothes. He wore a fancy tuxedo at the beginning of the journey, however, he loses eventually bow tie and jacket. You need a liquid latex or spirit gum to apply a rodent nose prosthetic. Hey! don’t forget to buy a remover to take it off comfortably. Scroll down all the accessories of the Roddy St. James costume from Flushed away for Halloween and cosplay.
White Dress Shirt: Amazon
Let’s begin this costume DIY with the white dress shirt. Most of us have a white shirt in our wardrobe to wear with a three-piece suit. No need to buy if have one at your home otherwise this item is good to buy.
Brown Animal Costume Accessories: Amazon
The flushed movie required animal costume accessories for an identical appearance. It is an ideal item for costume parties and cosplay. It best fit with both adults and kids.
Black Bow Tie: Amazon
Don’t wait up till the Flushed away 2 release collect black bow tie from the product page of our Amazon store. Multiple colors and varieties are awaited for you. Like Roddy please don’t miss your bow tie.
Black Two-Piece Suit: Amazon
Do you ever present yourself for Man in Black cosplay? if yes then you already have a two-piece suit in black. No matter if in any case, it is not in a condition to using try this one. It is comfortable, reliable, and affordable.
Mouse Nose Prosthetic: Amazon
For the realistic look of the character you just have to stick the prosthetic mouse nose as an important part of the makeup.
Spirit Gum and Remover: Amazon
Roddy St. James makeup is required to add a mouse nose on your face. With the help of spirit gum, you can easily stack it in your nose and later remove it with the help of the remover.
High Shine Hair Pomade: Amazon
Disney Flushed Away cosplay required this high shine hair pomade. It is a moisture-rich cream pomade that provides a classic, slicked-back look while taming hair leaving a high shine finish.
Black Dress Shoes: Amazon
After having oxford black shoes in your bucket you are ready for Roddy St. James cosplay for Halloween. It is made with leather and comfortable to wear. Don’t forget to check our core collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.