In the Marvel Disney+ series Moon Knight, Mr. Knight is a character. Moon Knight Oscar Isaac portrayed the identity of Marc Spector, Mr. Knight is his alter ego. Now, this titular hero encompasses three individuals — Jake Lockley (spoiler) who serves as the avatar of the Egyptian god “Khonshu“, Marc and Steven. This look is the better fit for Steven’s posh persona having the glowing eyes of the hero suit and sharing the moon emblem. Collect all the accessories of the Mr. Knight costume for Halloween and cosplay.

Mr. Knight Latex Mask: Amazon

Let’s begin this DIY Moon Knight costume with a Mr. Knight mask. Marc Spector mask or Knight helmet is made with 100% environmental rubber latex. The material is safe and non-toxic, and comfortable to wear.

Men’s White Gloves: Amazon

Mr. Knight Marvel wears white gloves as a mandatory accessory for the Moon Knight cosplay. It is made with high-quality cotton which is silky soft, comfortable, and durable.

Men’s Formal White Three Piece Suit: Amazon

Moon Knight suit in white gives you an accurate look of the Mr. Knight. Visit the product page to see the variety of colors and designs at the Amazon store. It is perfect for wedding parties, business meetings, fashion, formal occasions, etc.

White Satin Handkerchief: Amazon

Mr. Knight Disney Plus put the satin handkerchief in the upper pocket of the suit.  It has a pure color perfect for decent weddings or other formal events.

Men’s White Sneakers: Amazon

After having white sneakers in your bucket you are ready for Mr. Knight cosplay at Halloween. MCU Mr. Marvel’s backstory remains secret, though he represents himself very differently in the Marvel comics. If you like this DIY costume guide kindly share it on social media with your friends. Hey! don’t forget to see our collection of the Marvel costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.