In the anime/manga Fruits Basket, Yuki (voiced in Japanese by Nobunaga Shimazaki and in English by Eric Vale) is one of the primary main characters. Yuki holds the power of Rat out of the cursed zodiacs of the Sohma family. At the start, he lives with Shigure and Kyo as well as Tohru when she ends up moving in. Yuki starts off the series being very distant and has a lot of self-esteem issues. Despite being regarded as a popular, princely icon at his school; but grows to be more open around the people he cares about. He has short, silvery hair worn with two long side bangs and grey eyes. He is often seen wearing school uniform, consisting of a set of dark blue slacks and a matching shirt, a light grey tie, and dark brown loafers. Collect all the accessories of the Yuki Sohma costume from Fruits Basket.

Yuki Sohma Cosplay Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Fruits Basket costume with the Yuki Sohma wig; made with heat-resistant synthetic fiber and perfect for carnival, theme costume parties, etc.

Yuki Sohma Cosplay Uniform: Amazon

Yoki Sohma from Fruits Basket cosplay mostly seen in his school uniform; therefore, you must have an identical outfit for the anime cosplay. The product page of the Amazon store has multiple size options to select according to your size; however, you can provide them with your accurate size for custom-made attire.

Devil Grey Cosplay Contacts: Uniqso 

Yuki Fruit Basket has devil-gray eyes, therefore, you have to collect identical contacts for this act. However, if you are uncomfortable with the lens kindly cosplay without them.

Men’s Brown Penny Loafers: Amazon

After having brown loafers in your bucket you are ready for the Yuki Sohma cosplay at Halloween. Kindly visit our collection of game con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.