Juliet Starling (voiced by Tara Strong) is the main protagonist in the Lollipop Chainsaw. She is a cheerleader who finds herself having to hack and slash her way through zombie hordes at San Romero High School. She is lucky to be armed with a chainsaw. Juliet has long golden blonde hair tied in two ponytails with white trimmed scrunchies. She mostly wears San Romero Cheerleading outfits, purple trimmed stockings placed on the outer sides of her legs, along with red leg warmers and red with white sneakers. Collect all the accessories of the Juliet Starling costume from Lollipop Chainsaw for Halloween and cosplay.

Gold Blonde Ponytail Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Lollipop Chainsaw costume with the Juliet Starling wig; additionally, this blonde pigtail wig is a very fashionable wig with a natural realistic look.

Light Pink Satin Hair Scrunchies: Amazon

In Lollipop Chainsaw game requires a pair of hair scrunchies for both ponytails; further, the material is made of high-quality elastic and premium satin silk.

San Romero Knights Cheerleader Uniform: Amazon

You will find a complete dress for Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw cosplay; in addition, the package includes Juliet Starling dress, top, other accessories, etc.

Pink Thin LED Watch: Amazon

Besides having Juliet Starling outfits, you must collect a pink watch for this act; moreover, the freestyle watch has multiple functions, LED display, touch screen, etc.

Lollipop Chainsaw Toy Prop: Amazon

Juliet Chainsaw armed with the displayed weapon which you must have during Lollipop Chainsaw Juliet cosplay; make sure you buy the identical as Juliet carries in the game.

White and Red Cross-Trainer Sneakers: Amazon

After having white and red sneakers in your bucket you are ready for the Juliet Starling cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for Halloween cosplay ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.