In The Casagrandes, Bobby Santiago (voiced by Carlos PenaVega) is Ronnie Anne‘s older brother. In the Nickelodeon series, The Loud House Ronnie and Bobby are the supporting characters before taking the main role in the spin-off.  He is the protector of her sister, an easy-going and relaxed boy. He has dark hair and a few wisps of hair on his chin. Bobby’s outfit consists of a green plaided shirt, cream t-shirt, blue jeans, and brown sneakers. He also wears a black belt with a gold buckle. Collect all the accessories of the Bobby Santiago costume from The Casagrandes for Halloween and cosplay.

Green Black Button Down: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of The Casagrandes costume with the green Bobby shirt. Further, the materials are super-soft, comfortable, and wrinkle-free. Numerous varieties and designs are displayed on the linked page.

Cream T-Shirt: Amazon

A cream shirt is required to wear under the plaided shirt to become the real version of the casa grade. Visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors as well.

Blue Jeans: Amazon

There are a lot of similarities between The Loud House and The Casagrandes, however, we right stick with the DIY, not the story. If you already have dark blue vintage jeans in your wardrobe, then no need to cart this item. Otherwise, have this article to finalize Bobby Santiago outfit.

Black Belt with Gold Buckle: Amazon

While watching The Casagrandes, it seems that he wears a gold buckle belt along with other accessories. Therefore, you must have the same to create an identical version of the character.

Brown Sneakers: Amazon

After having sneakers in your collection you are ready for the Bobby Santiago cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.