In the animated series Family Guy, Cleveland Brown (voiced most recently by Arif Zahir) is a character. Before cancellation, he also starred in his spin-off series The Cleveland Show. With Glenn Quagmire, Joe Swanson, and Peter Griffin, Cleveland lives on Spooner Street. He is a postal worker and has a distinctively slow drawl. He occasionally wears different outfits, however, his primary attire on the show consists of brown shoes, blue jeans, and a yellow t-shirt. Hey, don’t forget to collect his most important accessory which is his mustache. Collect all the accessories of the Cleveland Brown costume from Family Guy for Halloween and cosplay.
Yellow T-Shirt: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Family Guy costume with the Cleveland yellow tee. It is made with high-quality fabric and is available in numerous colors on the product page of the Amazon store.
Dark Blue Regular Fit Jeans: Amazon
It is mandatory to collect dark blue jeans for Cleveland Brown from Family Guy cosplay. Additionally, due to the stretch fabric, you don’t have to sacrifice shape or style to wear them. It also features the timeless five-pocket styling that makes it suitable for any occasion.
Black Self Adhesive Mustache: Amazon
You need a black mustache, particularly for a Family Guy new season in Cleveland style. It is perfect for creating a fun and wacky atmosphere that will keep everyone entertained. In addition, it is designed with a self-adhesive feature that makes it easy to stick on your lip, nevertheless, it can fit most teens and adults comfortably.
Brown Round Toe Shoes: Amazon
After having brown shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Cleveland Brown cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.