In the cartoon series Alvin and Chipmunks, Brittany Miller (voiced by Janice Karman) is a supporting character. Brittany, Eleanor, and Jeanette are sisters and lead singers of their group The Chipettes. She shows care about her sisters and Alvin, however, she is sassy and can come across as a little entitled. Brittany’s 80s look requires light purple leggings and a hot pink leotard. Layer a ruffled skirt and a capelet over the leotard. She also wears a pink scarf, light purple shoes, and yellow leg warmers. You can style your hair or choose a wig with bangs and a half-up style. Collect all the accessories of Brittany Miller costume from Alvin and the Chipmunks for Halloween and cosplay.
Half Ponytail Wig: Amazon
Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Alvin and the Chipmunks costume with the Brittany Miller wig. I look thick and wavy, and a ponytail wig is for people like this style.
Hot Pink Leotard: Amazon
Besides the Alvin costume, collect a pink leotard for Chipettes costume. Additionally, the fabric is comfortable, soft, and breathable. The dress will also show off your elegant and charming temperament.
Light Pink Tiered Capelet: Amazon
Alvin and Brittany costumes are demanded around the globe, therefore, cart this article for Brittany cosplay. The front sill opening and button design make this chiffon shawl fit to the neck, and will not slide left and right.
Light Pink Ruffle Skirt: Amazon
Chipmunks’ adventures never last with the Chipettes, though, the pink skirt will cover the costume accessories of the Brittany outfit.
Lavender Leggings: Amazon
Rather Alvin and Chipmunks’ outfit, collect the fancy part of the Brittany attire. The product page of the Amazon store is filled with numerous colors, you must collect lavender leggings for this act.
Yellow Scarf: Amazon
Alvin & Chipmunks are team with the Chipettes, but, add a yellow scarf in your cart. In addition, it is made of silk-feeling fabric as well as luxury, elegant, and vibrant with rich color collocation
Yellow Leg Warmers: Amazon
Alongside the Alvin and Chipmunks sequel, a yellow leg warmer will finalize the look of Brittany Miller from Alvin and the Chipmunks cosplay.
Lavender Slip-On Sneakers: Amazon
After having sneakers in your bucket you are ready for the Brittany Miller cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.