In the animated series The Amazing World of Gumball, Rob (voiced by Charles Philipp) is a character. He is the arch nemesis and the cyclops of Gumball Watterson and has blue skin. To recreate the Rob costume, begin with a blue bodysuit and add clothes such as a yellow shirt, red shorts, and brown shoes. Then, add pink gloves, a wig, and a backpack to this collection. For large size eyes, use an oversized googly eye and attach it to a blue face mask. The mask can be comfortably worn or removed from the face. Collect all the accessories of the Rob costume from The Amazing World of Gumball for Halloween and cosplay.

Light Brown Side Part Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of The Amazing World of Gumball costume with the Rob wig. Made of synthetic fiber, it looks natural and realistic.

Blue Hooded Bodysuit: Amazon

A bodysuit required for the Rob from The Amazing World of Gumball cosplay. You can cover your entire body to Cyclops with blue skin.

Yellow T-Shirt: Amazon

Rob The Amazing Gumball will look perfect in the yellow tee. Additionally, we suggest visiting the Amazon store to grab more colors.

Red Shorts: Amazon

Gumball the cartoon Rob wears red shorts in the series, therefore, you must collect one for your act. Further, the running shorts are lightweight, quick dry fabric, helping you keep cool and dry.

Blue Face Mask: Amazon

Gumball the World required googly eyes for this act, however, the eyes need to be stuck someplace. So we prefer a blue mask which you may stick big eyes for this act.

Giant Googly Eye: Amazon

Some character requires artwork to have an identical appearance, hence, adhesive the eye on the mask and wear it during cosplay.

Pink Gloves: Amazon

Rob The Amazing World of Gumball wears pink gloves alongside other accessories. You should visit the linked page to check the variety of colors and paint.

Brown Backpack: Amazon

Besides The Amazing World of Gumball Rob outfit, you must collect a backpack that should be worn during cosplay for precise identity.

Brown Shoes: Amazon

After collecting shoes in your bucket, you are ready for the Rob cosplay. Furthermore, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.