In the animated series South Park, Millie Larsen is a supporting character and female 4th-grade student at South Park Elementary. She is depicted as a popular girl along with Bebe, Red, Heidi, Lola, etc. Millie speaks with a strong Southern accent; wears a dark teal coat. Millie has light ginger hair worn in two very short pigtails by lime green hair ties. Tuck a bright scarf into the collar of your jacket to recreate the neon green trim on her coat. Collect all the accessories of the Millie Larsen costume from South Park for Halloween and cosplay.

Short Orange Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the South Park costume with the orange Millie Larsen wig. It gives a natural look, is perfectly adjustable, and is available in several colors on the product page.

Lime Green Hair Ties: Amazon

You need hair ties to make two short pigtails for Millie Larsen cosplay. Ouchless elastics made with the new inches smart stretch stronger and don’t lose their shape.

Teal Coat: Amazon

Here we are not playing the South Park game, though the teal coat is one of the mandatory costume accessories for South Park cosplay.

Lime Green Scarf: Amazon

Millie Larsen from South Park needs a scarf to recreate the collar on the teal coat. The silky soft polyester scarf is perfect for any season, occasion, etc. Visit the product page to cart other colors from the product page of the Amazon store.

Black Pants: Amazon

You can buy black pants for Millie cosplay from the South Park online store. It contains lighter-weight ring-spun cotton knit fabric for an ultra-soft feel.

Bright Green Mittens: Amazon

Numerous items are connected with South Park fanart; these are warm thick soft cozy outdoor gloves. Perfect for snowboarding, ice skating, camping, etc.

Black Shoes: Amazon

After having all the accessories you are ready for the Millie Larsen cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Cartoon and Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.