In the animated series, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Jinmay (voiced by Ashley Johnson and Yurin) is a robotic character who is an honorary member of the Hyperforce along with Chiro. Jinmay has pink hair and wears in low pigtail and bright eyes. Over an orange short-sleeved blouse, she wears a mint green dress with a pink heart decal. Jinmay also wears light green shoes and white knee-high socks. To get closer to Jinmay’s appearance, add a heart-shaped iron-on decal to a green dress. Collect all the accessories of the Jinmay costume from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! for Halloween and cosplay.

Pink Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go costume with the Jinmay wig. It is made with heat-resistant and lots of colors are available on the display page.

Mint Green Pinafore Dress: Amazon

A green dress is required for Jinmay from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go cosplay. In addition, visit the Amazon store to grab more colors.

Orange Short Sleeve Blouse: Amazon

The Robot Monkey cartoon wears an orange blouse under the mint green dress. Further, it is suitable for offices, and work, and can be easily matched with skirts, jeans, or any pants.

Pink Heart Iron On Patch: Amazon

You can make the Jinmay outfit as the character wears in the series, by putting an iron-on heart patch on the front side of the green dress.

White Knee High Socks: Amazon

Besides looking into the character you must collect a pair of white socks for this act. Additionally, the socks made of high-quality fabric that provides coziness, warmth, and a gentle touch against your skin.

Mint Green Patent Flats: Amazon

After having flats in your bucket you are ready for the Jinmay cosplay at Halloween. Furthermore, visit our collection of Game Con costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.