In the adult animated series South Park, Shauna (voiced by Mona Marshall) is a minor character. In South Park Elementary she is a student alongside Eric, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny. Jimmy Valmer goes date with Shauna, which ends with throwing her drink in his face. Shauna has long ginger hair which she clips on with a mint green bow. She wears a black skirt and a flat purple blouse with white short sleeves and ruffles. Choose a shirt in a similar shade with ruffle details. Collect all the accessories of the Shauna costume from South Park for Halloween and cosplay.

Ginger Wig with Bangs: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to the South Park costume with the Shauna wig. The long wig is made with heat-resistant fiber and displayed in various colors on the linked page.

Mint Green Bow Clips: Amazon

The new South Park character wears a bow clip on the side of her hair. Therefore, you must follow the identical style for her looks.

Light Purple Collared Blouse: Amazon

Besides the South Park game, collect the blouse to gain a purple Peter Pan collar for this act. Further, pair it with jeans or a skirt for an elegant and feminine look.

Medium Purple V-Neck Blouse: Amazon

Cart v-neck blouse for Shauna from South Park cosplay to wear over the Peter Pan collar blouse. It can be recommended to wear on dating, work, shopping, etc.

Black Knee Length Skirt: Amazon

South Park clothes are designed for each character to be unique and stylish. It suits any occasion with matching tops and shoes. Additionally, check out more colors on the Amazon store’s product page.

Black Ballet Flats: Amazon

After you have flats in your bucket, you are ready for Shauna cosplay. For more Halloween costume ideas, visit our collection of Anime costumes.