In the animated movie and TV series Wayside, Todd (voiced by Michael Cera and Mark Rendall) is the main protagonist. He is a new student at Wayside School. Dana, Myron, and Maurecia are his friends. Todd often gets in trouble or is sent home early by his teacher Mrs. Jewls. Todd has messy ginger hair and wears a blue t-shirt, a white long-sleeved shirt, green pants, and white sneakers. Collect all the accessories of the Todd costume from Wayside for Halloween and cosplay.

Short Ginger Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to the Wayside costume with Todd wig. It is made with heat-resistant fiber, perfect for animated characters, and displayed in various colors on linked pages.

White Long Sleeved Tee: Amazon

You have to collect a white tee as the Todd outfit. The tee is slim through the shoulder, chest, and waist. Further, visit the Amazon store to grab more colors.

Blue T-Shirt: Amazon

A blue t-shirt required for the Todd from Wayside cosplay. In addition, tees are made with a high-density stitch count, double-needle stitching, and shoulder-to-shoulder taping.

Green Cargo Pants: Amazon

Besides Mr. Todd costume, you must collect a cargo pant for the Todd Wayside outfit. Additionally, the cargo pants made from a lightweight utility polyester fabric that is durable while remaining breathable and comfortable. Further, pants have 4 large pockets and a drawstring waistband design, which is comfortable and convenient to wear. Check for more attractive colors on the display page, which are great for men’s fashion items.

Red and Whtie Sneakers: Amazon

After having sneakers in your bucket, you are ready for the Todd cosplay. For more Halloween costume ideas, visit our collection of Disney costumes. Moreover, we would appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.